TEDxBloomington featured in Inside IU Bloomington

TEDxBloomington featured in Inside IU Bloomington
TEDxBloomington is April 26: enter to win a ticket

Apr. 10, 2014

by Matt Bloom

TED talks inspire audiences around the globe, spreading ideas in the form of four- to 18-minute talks about topics that range from gender identity to the environment to education reform.

The nonprofit speaker series was organized in 1984 as a conference where technology, entertainment, and design converged. Videos of TED talks have racked up millions of views online and shed light on some of the world’s most important ideas.

When local speakers such as Jeff Wolin, the Ruth N. Halls Professor of Photography at IU, take the stage at TEDxBloomington on April 26, Bloomington residents will have the chance to soak up some coveted TED talk inspiration.